Fall is an exciting time. The changing of the seasons causes many animals to head south in search of warmer…
native plants
Introducing Zebra Swallowtails to Ashland
One day in mid-July, DelNature member Kate McDonald was checking on the pawpaw trees she’d bought at the 2021 Fall…
Now or Never – Observing spring ephemeral wildflowers
Well it is not exactly “now or never” as there is always next spring to see ephemeral wildflowers. However, if…
Life Lessons and Native Plant Gardening
Native plant gardening feeds these insects which feed birds and wildlife! Plants from other countries often doesn’t. Learn to get started and find some life lessons along the way!
Misadventures in Poison Ivy
Fair warning, this blog might make you itchy.. Everyone and their grandmother knows the age old adage “leaves of three…
Is It a Native Plant or Invasive?
Perhaps you’ve been hearing some rumors about something called invasive plants. Sadly, invasive plants are very real and a serious threat to our natural areas. Here’s how you can help…
American Chestnut DNA Analysis Confirms Rare Coverdale Farm Preserve Tree!
100% American chestnut DNA confirmed in rare, unusually large tree found at Coverdale Farm Preserve in Delaware.