Now or Never – Observing spring ephemeral wildflowers

Well it is not exactly “now or never” as there is always next spring to see ephemeral wildflowers.  However, if you are like me and you enjoy native wildflowers you will want to get out as soon as possible to see and enjoy some of our most beautiful woodland flowering plants. Spring ephemerals is a general term for native plants that bloom early in the spring before the woodland trees leaf out. Now is the best time to see them because by mid-May much of the show will be over. These often small, delicate, but spectacular plants grow on the floor of mature woodlands; they are especially plentiful in the hilly Piedmont region of northern Delaware, nearby Pennsylvania, and Maryland.

Where to find spring ephemeral wildflowers

Many of these plants can be observed growing along the trails of our State Parks and other natural areas.  My favorite places to visit to search for these plants are the woodlands of Brandywine Creek State Park and White Clay Creek State Park in Delaware and White Clay Creek Preserve in Pennsylvania.  Other natural areas like Middle Run Valley Park and Ashland Nature Center are also good places to visit.  Spring ephemerals can be fun to photograph but be very careful not to disturb them or the soil around them. The following are some of my photographs that illustrate some of my favorite species.


Join Us!

Wildflowers of Flint Woods, Lecture and Field Trip ~ Flint Woods Preserve

Thursday April 20, 6:00 PM  –  7:30 PM

Adult | Member $25 | Non-member $30

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Enjoy a zoom lecture and follow-up field trip about Spring ephemeral wildflowers. Walk Flint Woods Preserve to view a wide variety of species in one of the highest quality Piedmont woodlands of Delaware. The walk will be about 2 miles through old-growth woodlands. We will also investigate a restored native meadow to see what is coming up. Spring ephemeral wildflowers grow and bloom at a time of year where the leaves of trees have not yet flushed out. The woodland floor is sunny and warm, creating window of opportunity for many species to grow. Ferns will be unfolding, spring insects will be flying, and of course, woodland birds will be setting up territories. Join us on this walk through one of Delaware’s great places.

Zoom lecture April 20, 6pm. Zoom meeting information will be sent prior to the lecture.

Field Trip April 22, 8:30-11:30am. Meets at Flint Woods Preserve, 350 Twaddell Mill Rd, Wilmington, DE 19807