The Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) is an iconic songbird of shaded woodlands that breeds throughout most of eastern North America. …
Field Trip to the Pine Barrens
In July, Delaware Nature Society hosted 10 adults on a field trip to the Franklin Parker Preserve in the heart of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. The group was ready to discover new wildflowers, try some wild blueberries, and experience a new ecosystem.
Down the Drain?
For stormwater, that’s just the start of a complex journey that has important implications for the health and safety of the environment and humans.
Butterfly House to Butterfly Habitat — a Change for 2024
Inspired by the success of the expanded open-air garden, the volunteer team, along with Ashland Nature Center staff, have decided to keep the net off the Butterfly House for the 2024 summer. The team will continue to maintain the existing gardens as a “Butterfly Habitat.”
Born of Rivers
Its waterways made Wilmington a national economic force, but heavy industry left a toxic legacy. New efforts aim to restore the health of two major rivers.
Water Pollution: An Explainer
Contaminants in our waterways and drinking water supplies come from obvious places and places that aren’t so obvious. Managing the pollution is a constant challenge.
Justice For All?
Why are the communities nearest large polluters are disproportionately low income and Black, Brown or Latino? It’s an old and complex story that is difficult to change. Some are trying.
Seeing the Woods for the Trees?
Nearly all of Delaware was once covered with forest. Deforestation has removed most of our trees. A recent uptick in woodland loss Sussex spurs an urgent effort to protect them.
Urban Gardening Takes Root Across Wilmington
New projects will bring pollinators and food to underserved communities
Woe to our Wetlands
A recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the Clean Water Act places Delaware’s abundant and beautiful wetlands in peril. The…